
Welcome to all our Enterprising Minds!

Now you've been successful with your application, it's time to starting thinking about putting it into action. We'll be here on this blog during the next four weeks of the challenge to hear all about your experiences, discuss ideas and results, and to give you exclusive content and information. So take a look around, comment, and enjoy!

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Friday 2 December 2011

Weekly Update

Good afternoon Young Entrepreneurs! We hope that your third week has gone well. We’ve had some fantastic updates, and we’re looking forward to seeing what you all do in your final week.

Our Business Inspiration Workshop Day in London is next week. We’re looking forward to seeing all of you who’ve signed up on Thursday 8th. It’s going to be a great day! Unfortunately the deadline has passed for the sign ups, but if you think you’ve signed up and we haven’t got back to you, please do email us.

So let’s see what you’ve all been up to!

The Bellators have had a very successful week, having raised £50 in cake sales which will help fund a gig that is happening next week. We’re really excited to see how this goes, but they are off to a fantastic start!

One of our ambassador groups, Threads have had another great week. By using innovative and interesting ways to attract their customers, including advertising in assemblies, and members of the group encouraging people to come inside and buy as they walked passed. They’ve also tailored their bracelets to appeal to the likes of their target audience:

‘My group think that we have found a niche in the market and we are striving to promote the different styles of bracelets. We have seen an increase in brand awareness and have developed a wide variety of our bracelets to cater to the demands of a wider audience. In aid of achieving this, we now have a range aimed at Harry Potter fans (bracelets in the Hogwarts House colours) and various other themed colours such as that of boy-band JLS.’

This is a fantastic way to attract a new audience, and appeal to the likes of many. We’re really excited to see how they do in their final week! Here is their poster, another great example of how advertising can help aid the sale of your product:

You can also find out more about their product on their facebook page.

Top Brew, another ambassador group have started selling, and it’s going well so far. Take a look at their final product:

It looks great, and we’re excited to see how their last week of selling goes! With only one week to go, we’re excited to see the final result.

Henna Heartz, another ambassador group have done really well, more than doubling their expenditure. This is a great achievement, and shows they’ve invested in their product well. We can’t wait to see how much more they will make in their final week.

Finally, Whizz Kids had a fantastic week, and have sent us some amazing pictures of their event.

Their cards look beautiful, their cakes look amazing and they had some amazing prizes in their tombola! They’ve done a great job of putting their £20 seed investment to use, and really used all their talents in their business.

This week has been a great success for so many groups, so we’re very excited to see what the final week of Enterprising Minds holds. Remember, please do email us with your updates so that we can feature them here, and on our news site.

This week we will be deciding on our award winners. We’re really excited to be presenting them next week! To see the categories you could fit into, see our website, and make sure we know how you’re doing. We can only consider you if you’ve been keeping us updated, so we know how you’ve met the criteria. Remember you can always email, tweet us at @EntMinds or find us on facebook. 

Comment below and let us know your thoughts!

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