
Welcome to all our Enterprising Minds!

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Monday 21 November 2011

Entrepreneurs Post

Good morning Young Entrepreneurs! We hope you’ve had a good weekend, and you’re ready for the week to come.

For our Monday blog post today we are featuring one of the most well-know British Entrepreneurs, who many of you said in your applications is an inspiration to you. Remember to leave your comments below, and keep us updated on your progress.

Lord Alan Sugar

One of the first names that comes to mind when thinking of entrepreneurs is Lord Alan Sugar, helped by his BBC1 TV series The Apprentice and Junior Apprentice. Alan Sugar was born in Hackney, and left school at sixteen. In his early days, he sold T.V aerials and cigarette lighters out of a van he bought for £50 before founding his company Amstrad in 1968. He sold this company in 2007 to Sky,  but this was not the end of his entrepreneur career. From Amstrad other companies emerged,  such as Amscreen, which his son owns and Lord Sugar is CEO of, and Amsprop.   He was the chairman of Tottenham Hotspur FC for ten years and was 85th on the Sunday Times Rich list 2010, after famously starting out with only £100 in his pocket.

He was knighted in 2000 for his services to business, was made a Labour peer in 2009, and holds the title Baron Sugar of Clapton.  He had two honorary degrees, from City University and Brunel University. He has published five books, two of which were published this year. The current series of Young Apprentice is on BBC one now, at 9PM on Mondays. He has generously supported great Ormond Street Children’s hospital and Jewish Care.

Alan Sugar’s inspiring story demonstrates that it doesn’t matter where you start from; it’s all about taking your idea and pursuing it.  We hope that this small snippet of Lord Sugar’s life helps encourage you all as you continue with your projects.

His twitter: @lord_sugar

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