
Welcome to all our Enterprising Minds!

Now you've been successful with your application, it's time to starting thinking about putting it into action. We'll be here on this blog during the next four weeks of the challenge to hear all about your experiences, discuss ideas and results, and to give you exclusive content and information. So take a look around, comment, and enjoy!

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Friday 25 November 2011

Weekly Update

Another week is nearly over, and it’s time to see what our entrepreneurs have been up to. We’ve had some fantastic feedback this week, and it’s great to hear that so many of you have done so well!

So here are some snap shots of what our entrepreneurs have been up to:

Beads An’ Bobs, an ambassador group who were featured last week, nearly ran out of their product as it was so popular when they sold it at a Christmas fair. Congratulations to them, we knew you’d be successful. If you want to check out their product, they have a facebook page. Click here to view.

Threads, another ambassador group that were featured last week have been keeping us up to date on their progress. They have had a great response to their product, and have some fantastic values that we thought we’d share with you:

“With regards to promotion / advertising, our team is confident that our research will benefit us. We are pleased with the Card Handouts / Business Cards / Loyalty Cards and Order Cards that we had printed. The Treads team were able to find printers who produced the cards absolutely free! In addition we have had word of mouth recommendations and enquiries keep coming in.

My group and I firmly believe that customer satisfaction is key to success and with this in mind, we are also happy to take customer suggestions on board and make bespoke pieces as required.”

And here is a picture of their advertising materials:

Their beliefs in customer satisfaction and a brilliant advertising and promotion campaign will help them make sure they are getting the best from the product, and giving their best to customers. This is something for all of you to think about when running your businesses.

The Cakery Bakery made roughly £40 on their selling day, and it’s no wonder with their lovely cakes:

We hope they continue to be just as successful.

Card Closet have sent us pictures of their flyers:

They look fantastic, and we know that they will help interest people in their product. Remember to keep thinking about advertising as you go, it’s a crucial part of selling your product.

 Finally Top Brew, one of our ambassadors, have sent us pictures of their preparations so far, including a mock up of their advertising:

Top Brew have been taking us on a journey of their business, showing us exactly what they’ve been doing through diary entries. Here’s just one entry to give you an idea:

“Glorious! Amazing! Splendid! Yes, that’s the beer I’m on about. It tastes sooo good its amazing! Really pays off and yes the label design is also done, almost. Apart from some things which need re-doing e.g. - the words ‘Ginger beer’ at the bottom of the label can’t be seen and I forgot to write on, the ingredients! What a shame, I could have done it and forgot about it but no. Overall a nice day, I’m pleased. Yes, indeed (forgetting about the fact that I didn’t eat anything as I spent my lunchtime and some afterschool time doing it).
P.S. - I joined in with another group so our stalls are close by... They are selling sweets and I help them with the thirst! Good init?”

Liaising with others and potentially expanding your audience is another great idea. Think about who you know and the connections you have when running your businesses.

Top Brew also have started a facebook page, so click here to see more images and read the rest of the diary entries.

It’s obviously been a busy week, and with another two to go, we are expecting great things from you all! Keep up all the hard work, and we can’t wait to see what you do.

Want to see your business featured next week? Then send us material by Thursday 1st December in any form you like! You can email it as an attachment, send it to us on facebook, or tweet it to us at @EntMinds. We’re looking forward to hearing from you!

Also, remember to check out the new section of our website here. We’ll be featuring anything you send us, and giving you news and information to keep you up to date.

Comment below and tell us your thoughts!

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