
Welcome to all our Enterprising Minds!

Now you've been successful with your application, it's time to starting thinking about putting it into action. We'll be here on this blog during the next four weeks of the challenge to hear all about your experiences, discuss ideas and results, and to give you exclusive content and information. So take a look around, comment, and enjoy!

This group is a fun place to be interactive about the project, so please be respectful and polite to everyone.

If someone acts inappropriately towards you online, you can report it on the CEOP website

If you want to talk to someone about issues you’re dealing with, you can call ChildLine 0800 11 11, or if you’re in immediate danger call the police.

Wednesday 16 November 2011


Good morning Young Entrepreneurs! It’s only the first week of Enterprising Minds, and we’ve had some fantastic achievements already. Remember to send in your pictures, videos and write ups of your experiences for the Friday’s blog post. While you’re here, take a minute to vote on this week’s poll, the results will be out on Monday.

Today we’ve going to talk about inspiration. Who motivates and inspires you to reach for your goals? How do you look up to as a good role model? It could be anyone- family, friends or celebrities. Let’s get a discussion going, and talk about our inspirations!

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