
Welcome to all our Enterprising Minds!

Now you've been successful with your application, it's time to starting thinking about putting it into action. We'll be here on this blog during the next four weeks of the challenge to hear all about your experiences, discuss ideas and results, and to give you exclusive content and information. So take a look around, comment, and enjoy!

This group is a fun place to be interactive about the project, so please be respectful and polite to everyone.

If someone acts inappropriately towards you online, you can report it on the CEOP website

If you want to talk to someone about issues you’re dealing with, you can call ChildLine 0800 11 11, or if you’re in immediate danger call the police.

Monday 14 November 2011

Welcome Post

Welcome to all our Enterprising Minds! We’re very excited that you decided to join us here, and are looking forward to hearing from you over the next four weeks. This blog is a place for you to gain exclusive content, chat about your enterprises and shows everyone what you’ve been doing. You can also contact us through here at any time if you need us. The help button will give you our email, and there’s always our facebook and twitter if you want to contact us that way.
Take a look through the blog and see everything we’ve got to offer you so far! On top of this, we’ll be posting three times a week on different themes that we think you’ll be interested in. Keep commenting and chatting to us- this blog is about all of you, and we want you involved every step of the way.
On Mondays, we’ll be posting our Entrepreneurs post. Each week, we’ll be profiling an Entrepreneur, giving you inspiration and information to show you what just one small idea can do. On top of that, we’ll be giving you a weekly tip from our partners at MoneySense; something that will keep you on track and on the ball.
Wednesdays is for your post!  We’ll start off a discussion, and it’s time for you to jump in and ask anything you want that’s related to the project. We want to hear your thoughts and ideas, and anything you feel might help others. Have some things really worked for you that you want to share? Or something that really didn’t work and want opinions on why? Know an entrepreneur that we haven’t featured that you want to talk about? Wednesday is the time for all this and more.
Finally on Fridays we’ll have our news post, catch up with you all and let you see what other young entrepreneurs have been up to. So throughout the week, send us your entries telling us about your enterprise- what did you do, where did you do it, how successful was it? These will be put up on Friday ? so we can congratulate you all! It doesn’t matter how little you want to write, any amount is welcome. Also feel free to send us your pictures and videos of the events that we can upload on here and facebook. This post will be in tandem with the news on the Enterprising Minds website, so you’ll have lots to discuss with us.
Finally, remember to think before you post. We screen all comments and media that come to the blog, so any inappropriate language or content will not be published. This is a place for fun and exploration, so please respect and be mindful of all the users who come here. Make sure you’re certain that you want your pictures and videos online before you send them to us- while we will remove them if you ask, as soon as they are up, people can click on them. Always think before you post!
So go explore, comment and start getting ready to start your businesses! We can’t wait to see how it all goes.

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