
Welcome to all our Enterprising Minds!

Now you've been successful with your application, it's time to starting thinking about putting it into action. We'll be here on this blog during the next four weeks of the challenge to hear all about your experiences, discuss ideas and results, and to give you exclusive content and information. So take a look around, comment, and enjoy!

This group is a fun place to be interactive about the project, so please be respectful and polite to everyone.

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Friday 18 November 2011

The first week of Enterprising Minds is nearly over, and it’s time for our Friday blog post. This will let you see what some of our Enterprising Minds have been doing this week, and what their projects involve.

We’ve had some fantastic reports so far, one group saying they’ve already made just over £100! We hope you’re all just as successful, so please keep letting us know how you’re doing.

Here’s just a taster of what some of our ambassadors have been doing. Henna Hertz have sent us a copy of their amazing flyer:

Advertising is a huge part of Enterprising Minds- how will you gain interest if people don’t know what you’re doing? We know this group are going to do brilliantly with a flyer like this!

Beads An’ Bobs have sent us pictures of their jewellery:

These look amazing, we’re sure that they are going to sell really well. Watch this space for more information!

Lastly, Threads have also sent us pictures of their bracelets:

These are brilliant, and they’ll definitely get a great profit with their product. We can’t wait to see how all our Young Entrepreneurs do!

Keep sending us updates of your progress, and let us know what you’re doing. We’re always looking for pictures and media for our Friday posts, so please do send them to us. You can email them to us as an attachment, or if you’re 13 and over, you can contact us on facebook or twitter.

If you haven’t joined the facebook groups yet, you can still do so! You can find us under Enterprising Minds. Also add us on twitter at @EntMinds.

Have any stories about your first week that you want to share? Comment and let us know! We can’t wait to hear from you all.

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